Join Now


Please fill out this form carefully. This information will be used to contact the team captain about important announcements, visit this site
updates, scheduling as well as where the forfeit deposit will be returned to.

Failure to fill this form out correctly may result in your deposit not being refunded.

[th-contact-form subject=”Spring 2014 Team Registration” button_text=”Send Registration”]
[th-contact-field label=”Desired Division” type=”select” required=”true” options=”Pro Division,Semi-Pro Division,Recreation Division” /]
[th-contact-field label=”Team Name” type=”text” required=”true” /]
[th-contact-field label=”Captain Name” type=”name” required=”true” reply=”true” /]
[th-contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” reply=”true” /] [th-contact-field label=”Cell Phone” type=”text” required=”true” /]
[th-contact-field label=”Street Address 1 (city, state, zip)” type=”text” required=”true” /]
[th-contact-field label=”Comment” type=”textarea” /]

This registration form is to submit your team information only. You must still bring you fees and other required information to registration on January 26th. There will be no late registration.

Any bogus or incomplete information will void this form. We will contact you if your registration is incomplete in any way.